Thursday, July 19, 2012

A bunch of random information

Strange crowd at the gym this morning. First there was the woman who stood facing the wall with her eyes closed running her hands up and down the wall. Then there was the guy who lifted up his shirt to check his abs out in the mirror. And finally there was the guy who was scratching his leg so vigorously his entire body was shaking. Needless to say it made for an interesting morning workout!

This week marks the beginning of my increase in weekday mileage. Yesterday I ran 4 miles instead of the 3 I've been doing over the past few weeks. Over the next 15 weeks, 2 of my 3 weekday runs will gradually increase from 3 miles to 5. The other run will peak at 10 miles. Running 10 miles on a weekday seems a bit daunting, especially when flanked by 5 mile runs and a 20 mile run the following weekend (note: this is the peak of training; after this week my mileage drops precipitously to allow my body to rest before the marathon). This week I ran 10 miles, split over 3 days and I'll admit, I'm tired. Fortunately I've got a day off tomorrow and in fact will be taking off the rest of the weekend. I'm headed to Miami to hang with some friends and will be leaving the sneakers behind. I'm planning to make up my long run on Monday. We'll see how that goes!

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