Saturday, July 7, 2012

So over the heat!

Unfortunately I didn't make it to Central Park this morning. My alarm went off at 7am and I was not at all ready to get up. I did that thing where I pretend like I'm going to get out of bed - rolled over, checked the weather, but ultimately decided I would rest my eyes for just another minute. Well, next thing I knew it was 8:45 and according to it felt like 86 degrees outside. And so off to the gym I went, where I successfully completed my 6 miles. Though it is too bad that I wasn't able to run in the park.

It's hard to believe but I am now halfway done with my internship which means I have limited time left in New York. With many of my weekends already spoken for I have only a few options to get in some long runs in the park. Here's to hoping this heat wave breaks so I can knock out a 9 or 10 miler in Central Park in the next couple of weeks.

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