Saturday, July 28, 2012

9 miler

My watch decided to cooperate this morning! It located satellites right away and was ready to go. Sadly, the weather was less cooperative. I woke up at 7:45 and was ready to hit the pavement by 8:05, right as I heard a loud clap of thunder, which was followed by yet another 2 claps of thunder. Since I had 9 miles to cover I was not willing to make the switch to the treadmill, and since I had gotten up so early I refused to postpone until Sunday. One early wake up per weekend is more than sufficient! I waited about 20 minutes and it seemed that the thunder had passed so I decided to make a run for it, literally. On account of the ominous looking skies, and the impending threat of rain I figured it would be best to stay close to home, which meant my route would cover the streets of Bellmore and Wantagh, or for those who aren't from the area- suburbia. As you can imagine, this does not make for the most scenic route. Despite the lack of scenery, the occasional patchy rain (literally it would be raining on one block and not on the next one) and my getting lost (yes, I got lost on some side streets in the town where I grew up and lived for 18 years of my life), I successfully ran all 9 miles. And made it back home. Though, truth be told I did call for a ride when I was 3 blocks from the house. After running 9 miles I just didn't see why I should walk another quarter of a mile!

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